
Let’s go:
Greeting others and giving polite commands
Vocab: hi, fine, great, OK, thank you, please, take out, put away, draw a picture, point to the poster
SP: Hi Andy. How are you? I’m fine. How are you? I’m great. Thank you. Please, take out your book. Put away your book.
I Go D /d/
Vocab: dock, dairy, deli, dentist, dragon
Sight words: I, go, to, the, on, my

Let’s go:
Greeting others and giving polite commands
Vocab: hi, fine, great, OK, thank you, please, take out, put away, draw a picture, point to the poster
SP: Hi Andy. How are you? I’m fine. How are you? I’m great. Thank you. Please, take out your book. Put away your book.
Hey Diddle, Diddle D /d/
Vocab: cow, jumped, laughed, moon, ran

Let’s Go
Greeting others and giving polite commands
Vocab: hi, hello, good-bye, bye-bye, come here, turn around
SP: Hi, boys and girls, Hello, Miss Jones. Good-bye. See you later.

Group class 團班: WERP