寫給Eileen的一封信: 國慶假期心得!

Dear Eileen,

We almost forgot to watch firworks until hearing the
voice of firworks. In fact, we could watch firworks in
our society, although the scale of fireworks is
smaller than in New York.

In this holiday, we went to visit Bushkill Fall which
is located in Pocono Mt. in Pennslyvania. People said
it's "Niagara of Pennsylvania". We hiked the trails in
the forest and took pictures with about 100-foot Main
Falls. We found Eva likes to hear the water voice very
much and then decided to visited the popular Falls.

The most interesting thing was Eva had a lot of stools
in that day due to we always talk to her to "pu pu"
every day, and the pronunciation of Fall in Chinese is
very like 'pu pu'. Ha..Ha...

Best Regards.
