
Teacher Angel代班

1.Card & Pipe:
選一張撲克牌給小朋友看, 請小朋友鑽進塑膠軟管內找一樣數字的撲克牌.

2.Color & Bowl:
(1)選3種顏色的螺絲與螺帽對應, 根據手上拿的螺絲猜相同顏色的螺帽蓋在那個碗底下.
(2)多一種顏色混淆放入碗底下, 老師移動碗的位置, 小朋友與手上相對應的螺帽在哪個碗底下.
(3)依照手裡拿的螺絲的顏色, 在教室裡找一樣顏色的東西.

3.Paint and guess animal:
Paint one part of animal, than students guess the correct animal.

Monkey --> Eat Banana
Elephant --> with long nose
Tiger --> face and action

4.Sing a song:
use above animal's action in the song.

使用鼓的聲音, high & low,
(1)聽到high --> stand; 聽到low --> 蹲
(2)聽到high --> run/jump...; 聽到low --> stop

6.使用像地球儀的軟球, 告訴小朋友台灣在哪裡, 老師的家在哪裡.
(1)把球往上拋, 拍一下手(Clap the hands), 再接球
(2)把球往上拋, 身體轉一圈(Turn a round), 再接球

7.Throw/Catch/Kick a Ball:
Do you want to throw a ball or catch a ball or kick a ball?
Do you want to throw or catch a ball?
Do you want to catch or kick a ball?
Do you want to throw or kick a ball?

8.Sing a song:
Head/Shoulder/Knee and Toe
NO head....
No head and no shoulder....
唱到上半身(head/shoulder),就要唱很快; 唱到下半身(knee/toe),唱很慢.

9.Play with Dice(骰子)
丟骰子, 依數字取撲克牌張數, 數數看共多少總和, 就拿多少隻相同顏色的小棒子, 將小棒子排成一列, 找出最多(the most)/第二(second)/第三(third)
I'm the number 1.
I'm the second.
I'm the third.